Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Well- here goes...

Fraser river near Douglas island Sept 2010
I took up kayaking about 4 months ago after wanting to do so for years. Always thought it was much better than canoeing. First of all the boat is sleeker and low-slung. You also sit more comfortably than I've ever felt in a canoe- it even feels a bit like a cockpit of an indy race car- not that I've been in one. But it feels like that looks. kayaks are typically one-person affairs too which suits me fine. They turn faster, travel in shallower water. They're just better in my opinion.

Getting one was part of an urge I've had to get doing something for myself. I'm currently going through a divorce and a lot of things are in process of change as a result. It's a good time for self examination. One of the things I've recognized is that I want more adventure and spontenaeity in my life. Exploring new waterways fit the bill perfectly. The adventure has not been dangerous, so far anyway. Nearby rivers, lakes, and the ocean have allowed for snap decisions to go out and explore, and once the equipment was bought, there's no more cost so I haven't had to worry about affordability.

I went out on borrowed and rented kayaks twice this summer, first on Hornby island, and second in Deep Cove, North Vancouver. I was hooked and knew I had to buy one. On the drive home with my brother that summer afternoon, I talked about how cool it would be to explore every bit of water in the lower mainland by kayak. I would take pictures, journal about what I saw, heard, smelled- you name it. He said: "You should make a Blog about it. It would be like that movie Julia and Julie where the main character attempts to cook through a Julia Childs cookbook and write about her experiences." At the time I tought 'I don't know. I set up a Blog 5 years ago and never got past the title'.

Since that afternoon, I've been out more times than I can remember. I've kayaked Bunzen lake, Whiterock beach, and circumnavigated MacMillan, Barnston, and Douglas islands in the Fraser river. More recently this fall, I travelled the length of Salmon river that skirts Fort Langley, and last Saturday I travelled the Serpentine river in Surrey from Fleetwood to Crescent beach-  a one-way 22km trip. I am absolutely addicted. Before I finish a trip, I'm plotting the details of the next place I'll go.

In a nutschell, that's why this Blog exists. I've enthusiastically told stories of my trips to friends, family, and people at work but I fear they're becoming disinterested and if I keep it up, they start to think I'm a bit unstable. Maybe I am. But I know it's making me feel alive and how many things can most people say that about? Over the next while I plan to elaborate on some of the past trips- what happened, what I liked or disliked, what it made me feel. Kayaking is a cathartic experience for me. Who knows- maybe writing about it will be too. So welcom to this blog and thanks for deciding to read it. I hope you enjoy it and maybe even get something out of it. Take care for now.